Three Lights Amphitheater

Character Information:

Name:  Seiya Kou
Sailor Senshi:  Sailor Star Fighter

Seiya is 16 years old, and he is the vocalist of the idol group the Three Lights.  His birthday is July 30th, and his blood type is A.

After entering high school, he joined the American football team.

Name:  Yaten Kou
Sailor Senshi:  Sailor Star Healer

Yaten is 16 years old as well, and he plays the keyboard for the idol group the Three Lights.  His birthday is February 8th, and blood type is B.

Name:  Taiki Kou
Sailor Senshi:  Sailor Star Maker

Taiki is also 16 years old, and he is the guitarist of the idol group the Three Lights. His birthday is May 30th, and blood type is AB.

Upon entering high school he joined the literature club.

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