The Retrogaming Times
- The Bimonthly Retrogaming Hobbyist Newsletter -
- Article Submission Guidelines -

Article submissions are closed as our final issue was released September 9th, 2022 on the newsletter's 25th anniversary.
Thank you for being a part of a great retrogaming tradition!

The below information is preserved here for archival only.

David Lundin, Jr. (Retrogaming Times Monthly, Contributing Writer, 2004 - 2013) is serving as Chief Editor for this iteration of the newsletter but it can only exist with your help.  The Retrogaming Times is 100% free and 100% driven by retrogaming hobbyists such as yourself who submit articles as contributing writers.  Other hobbyists want to read what you have to write and we are always accepting submissions for future issues of The Retrogaming Times.  Submit an article today and join a great retrogaming tradition!

If you would like to contribute to The Retrogaming Times, please submit your articles to our official submissions and contact address:

The information below is a detailed outline of newsletter submission information and answers to common questions.  However what it all boils down to is that submissions are open to everyone and all anyone needs to do is e-mail their writings to The Retrogaming Times ( and then they will be published in the next issue.  It really is that simple.

Simplified Article Submission Information:

Detailed Article Submission Information:

The Retrogaming Times - Submission Guidelines From The Editor, David Lundin, Jr.:

The Retrogaming Times - Article Submission Process:

The Retrogaming Times - Limited Content Restrictions:
See You Next Game,

David Lundin, Jr.
Chief Editor / Contributing Journalist, The Retrogaming Times

Last edited 09/05/2022

Please submit your articles to our official submissions and contact address:  Please include the name you would like to be credited under and any special instructions.

If you don't have anything ready at this time but would like to be on the "issue deadline e-mail list" then please send a request to as well.  You can submit your articles at any time and they will be added to the next issue.

Content and opinions contained within The Retrogaming Times are those of their respective writer(s) - Published at
© 2016 - 2022 The Retrogaming Times. All Related Copyrights and Trademarks Are Acknowledged.