Sailor Uranus' Tunnels of the Earth

Sailor Uranus Images

Click on a description to view the corresponding image:

Sailor Uranus with her guardian planet

Close up of Sailor Uranus's face, hair blowing in the wind

Sailor Uranus ready for action with a half smile on her face

Sitting down taken from a prism card, no background

Standing with her hand on her hip, no background

Super Sailor Uranus on a battle trading card

Cute shot of Sailor Uranus from the Sailorstars series

Finishing up her transformation sequence

Sailor Uranus attacking with her sword

A shot of Sailor Uranus running from the Sailor Moon S opening

Sailor Uranus holding Sailor Moon in her arms

Working up a sweat

Posing with her hand on her hip, cool checkerboard background

Great action shot of the determination on her face

Attack shot from the Sailor Moon S opening

Drawing her sword while Sailor Neptune is behind her

Preparing to unleash her World Shaking attack

Coming out of her transformation sequence

Sailor Moon S card of Sailor Uranus with her hands out

Sailor Uranus looking unimpressed on a Sailor Moon S card

Looking ready for action

Sailor Uranus lying on the ground, looking back at a burst of energy

Manga image of Sailor Uranus and her sword in space

Super Sailor Uranus with her arms crossed in front of her

Sailor Uranus in a purple haze, unknown origin but appears to be packaging

Kneeling down with her sword

Hand at hip, sword at hand

Sailor Uranus with her sword in her mouth, one of my favorite Sailor Uranus images

Chibi Sailor Uranus sitting on her star

Sailor Moon S prism card of Sailor Uranus with her sword

Close up of Sailor Uranus from the Sailor Moon S opening

Near the end of her transformation sequence

Let's book it!
Take me back to the Tunnels of the Earth!

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or any other company holding copyrights to Sailor Moon.